
In its age of 6 http://www.poetikhars.com/ is being reconstructed in order to be a more systematical network for visual poetry. The point of the unique media of visual poetry in Turkey, poetikhars is to introduce vispo to the Turkish Poetry and to make discuss the matters of a modern poetry and help them to be functional within it.

http://www.poetikhars.com/ will be the field of discussions, daily developments and works. Turkish visual poetry gallery

http://zinharpost.blogspot.com/ is a wide field for both Zinhar poets and others living abroad. This variability functions in the direction of specializing of setting ranges within Turkish vispo, so the different works are major.

You can submit your works to here in JPG, TIFF, PSD and BMP.

2005-2008 works can be seen at CAMERA

hertz is an online/offline/printed zine for visual poetry. you can visit hertz pages and issues at http://www.issuu.com/hzhubble

#4 of hertz is below;

about this site
about this site
this site is updated and maintained by serkan ışın. you can find his works here!
some more?
some more?
You can find the works and visual poems of Ayşegül Tözeren, Serkan Işın, Derya Vural, Barış Çetinkol here. If you desire to see more you can also visit and keep in touch with turkish visual poetry created by zinhar at www.poetikhars.com/camera
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